- Elizabeth Malone
- April 2, 2018
Millennial Dating and Marriage Trends that Actually Make Sense
For all the flak we get, there are some things which the preceding generations can learn from us millennials, one of which is how we seem to question everything and don’t just accept things as they’re presented to us. Sure, we have our flaws – we have many of these flaws in fact, such as the fact that we are indeed generally lazier than our parents and grandparents, but then again it comes back to finding more efficient ways of doing things.
Now, when it comes to dating and marriage, we seem to have really gone to town on our insistence to do things totally differently and on our own terms. How many millennials are actually pairing up officially and getting married? Of course I mean instances where there’s a genuine love connection and rushing to the alter is not a means through which to save face because of a hook-up gone wrong (falling pregnant when it was just about spending a night together).
Millennials don’t seem to be interested in the traditional marriage setup anymore, something which has even permeated the dating scene as well. I mean we have the likes of Tinder, where with the use of a mere app you can “swipe right” to show your interest in someone whom you have an interest in hooking up with. In other words, this is a physical relationship which lasts as long as the night and there’s nothing beyond that to be developed further.
I’m not making any excuses for this behaviour either, but it’s perfectly understandable I think, mostly because of just how much pressure we’re under to get our lives sorted out in an environment that has changed so rapidly. I mean there was a time when you didn’t have to beg for a low-paying internship to get some so-called work experience after getting into a whole lot of debt to get your college degree. You could train as an artisan, acquire a skill and just by deploying that skill in a designated working environment and market, you could afford to pay for a mortgage and everything else around the construction of a typical, stable domestic life.
These days that’s very hard, on top of the fact that we grew up during a time when we were sold the types of dreams that had us believing we could be whatever we want and that we’re special just for being who we are.
Now, another trend is popping up amongst millennials and I think it’s great really. Marriages are rare these days, by the admission of many aunts and uncles who live for such events, so any marriage these days is something of an event to be celebrated a little more than usual.
When they do get married, Millennials are electing to implement a more practical approach to their considerations of things like what would happen in the event of a divorce with the law offices of Evan Braunstein often patronised by both partners who are coupling up officially to draw up a set procedure to be followed in the event of something like an event. Causes and their subsequent effects (and consequences) are ironed out in detail so that the two parties don’t have to be involved in a messy divorce that comes with all the burdens of different divorce lawyers just trying to land each of their clients the “best deal” out of the split.